Saturday, September 6, 2014


Amelie's friend Hattie came over for a playdate the other morning. They got along beautifully, probably because they played outside pretty much the whole time, but there was also some quiet reading inside.
Update: James just saw this and shouted "Hattie in couch! Hattie in couch!"

James said "Haaah-ie" (he's actually pointing to her and saying it in this photo). He wanted to follow them around and do what they were doing. When they climbed up on the playhouse and he couldn't get up, Hattie said, "Amelie's Mom! Amelie's Mom! He wants up!" but no dice.

This is after she went home, but all three kids put on the crocodile/dinosaur costume at one point or another. Amelie said, "No pictures!"

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