Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Amelie is 10!

 Amelie turned 10!

 Sam told her a dad joke so she'd laugh:

Nana Jana stopped by and dropped off her present (and one for James and Leah, too) before work and we got to chat to her through the door for a minute.

The tradition is to let the birthday kiddo choose the menu for the day, and then I like to go ahead and stick a candle in every meal as well. This time, the dutch baby pancake was too hot and it melted the candle! She refused to let me put a candle in her chicken strip or ice cream (probably for that reason).

We didn't have a party, but she did get to video conference (for over an hour!) with her friend who's now in middle school. She also did another video call later with two girls from scouts. She just looks overjoyed. Her birthday also coincided with the last day of school and her piano teacher's birthday.

She requested a chocolate Wings of Fire cake and informed me that this was a happy Rain Wing. I said that was lucky because those were the colors of sprinkles that we had. She also thought the tail should be longer and curve over, so I fixed it but didn't take another picture (maybe you can see it in the next picture).

Video of us singing:

Opening presents:

She got many many books and then several activity-type things to do. I kept asking all day if she'd like to do one of them, but she was more than happy just to read her new books. 

The requested dinner was Dairy Queen, and she insisted that her siblings try the chicken strips dipped in vanilla ice cream.

Later, they got to video chat with Grandma Mary and Papaw. James is showing off a missing tooth.

Then, Amelie got to pick the movie we'd watch two nights in a row. I think she had a good birthday, and we tried to make it special even though we couldn't really get out or see friends in person. James managed to both be jealous of the special attention that she got and to hope aloud several times that his birthday would not be interrupted by Coronavirus.

When I asked Amelie if she had a good birthday she said yes, but that obviously next year she hopes there’s no Coronavirus.

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