Sunday, April 5, 2020

Homeschool Week 3

We have So Many Zoom Meetings. Amelie's got meetings twice a week for math, twice a week for literacy, twice a week for her classroom read-aloud (City of Ember), once a week for homeroom, once a week for her special ed support, and once a week for her piano lesson. Even James has meetings Monday through Thursday for math.


The first 1st grade math zoom was something else! 20 kids and 2 teachers. They used the presentation mode for parts of it where James could see the teacher writing on her screen. It seemed to be pretty effective, actually. James looked over at me every time one of the kids gave a wrong answer. One of the girls in his class unmuted to ask the teacher for an eraser since she'd made a mistake. James dropped his first pencil, broke the lead of his back-up pencil and finished the lesson with a magic marker.

Amelie's doing the online math practice app in this one and not a zoom meeting, but Leah wanted to work on her laptop as well (so I had to replace the batteries).

The wait staff at one of the restaurants in town I like was doing an online art auction to raise money since they're not working nearly as much at all and we won this landscape. I'd like to move it down about 6 inches but it fit nicely above the mantle. I never met the waiter, since I left the money in an envelope and he set the painting outside the door, but I texted him a picture to show him what it looked like in the space.

Amelie's been working hard typing her answers for class. 

All the online meetings were disrupting our routine/schedule, so I made one in this format so James would be more flexible about just getting everything done that needed to be done rather than going in a specific order - it seems to be working okay so far. One day, he rushed through everything to be done by lunch. Fine by me! (The print's a little too small, but it says "homeschool must-dos" and then they can flip up their journal, chore, math app, school with mom & school with dad.) 

The sandbox is back in favorite rotation. The weather has been all over the place, and frequently the kids go out in clothes I think they’ll be too cold in,  it I guess less is better for tracking in a sandy mess afterward.

There have been several online scavenger hunts and games and this was Leah's contribution for "something purple" baby foot for scale.

Daily walk, this time to our neighborhood park.

My tolerance for them playing off the path has increased roughly 1,000%

Look how curly (and long!) Amelie's hair is from braiding it last night. 

We've been eating dessert every night. We had S'mores Thursday night in advance of the rain. Don't mind all the bare patches - Sam's trying to grow grass in the backyard.

Leah, just walking around confused.

They like the fire as much if not more than the treats.

James is holding the skewers for everyone (these are not just his!)

Leah's in the background sneaking a marshmallow.

This was an evening it was pretty warm.

Amelie writing her daily journal.

James's daily journal includes a picture - this picture I believe is supposed to be him working at his desk. His teacher told him that it has to have three sentences, and he's followed that religiously to mean he should do the very bare minimum, but I'm pretty impressed with his handwriting, actually.

He wrote: I did math. I like to Draw. I like nana Jana.

Munch and Read is a Friday Ridgeway tradition where they do free reading and share snacks.

Since the dog’s not in the backyard, there’s been plenty of wildlife to watch through the window. We’ve seen cardinals, blue jays, heard a woodpecker, and seen several squirrels. This one is probably eating bits of dropped S’more.

I got out the play-dough (much less messy than slime or obleck).

James playing outside in the rain - at least this time he has an umbrella. We have had a wide variety of weather over the last couple of weeks and James has experienced all of it. 

Leah went out, too. I told them it was bad luck to open the umbrella inside.

Not sure why she's giving me the stink eye. 

There's a happy face! With dog.

Without dog:

You can also see just how frequently everyone changes clothing for no reason through all the photo documentation.

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