Friday, April 3, 2020


As we've been cooped up, we've been playing a lot of games. This is a fun one we hadn't done in a while:

It's where we each start out with a piece of paper folded into thirds, and the first person draws the head of a monster (or a person, or an animal, etc.) and then without letting anyone else see, folds the head/portion they've drawn over and passes the paper to the next person, who draws a neck and folds and passes to the next person who draws a body, etc. etc. When it's gone around four times and the picture is complete, you open them all up at the same time and do a big reveal. If this game has an official (or unofficial!) name, I'm not aware of it. 

I'm noticing as I'm posting these that they're all super creepy! I suppose that's what you get when the instruction is to draw a monster - I blame the fact that we'd watched Monsters Inc.

Leah was content (but for how much longer?) to scribble alongside us and then be presented with the finished drawings as a gift. 

James and I have been playing a lot of Yatzee (math!). He's also played Scrabble with me.  And all the kids love Guess Who and they still enjoy Chutes and Ladders. We've played some Go Fish and Uno/Crazy Eights. 

We played an accidental April Fool's Day prank on the kids when Sam said we could all play Clue and they excitedly brought it up from the basement and when they opened the box to start playing they found it was full of random photographs, pieces and cards from other games, paper, and only a few actual Clue pieces. I think what must have happened is that Sam cleaned up from Amelie's phase of dumping the games out. 

I keep trying to get someone to play Chinese Checkers or Mancala with me (these used to be favorites!) but haven't (yet) had any takers. 

I might have mentioned this already - but all of the kids have spent an inordinate amount of time in the (very large) dog crate (that the dog has never used). It is for some reason the most fascinating toy. Also, since it's warmed up, they've spent loads of time playing outside. 

Yesterday, we tried an oobleck-like craft that I thought would be less messy than oobleck (I was wrong). It's called "snow dough" which is made by mixing lotion and corn starch. I accidentally got out lotion with sunscreen and didn't notice until James observed "this smells like the beach." 

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