Saturday, August 6, 2022

Swim Lessons

 The kids finished up swim lessons today - all passed*

The whole first week was kind of cold, overcast, and sometimes rainy - but they had lessons outside anyway! 

Here's Leah - The second week it was very sunny. 

The kids in her class were VERY hesitant to jump in. Here she is, raring up to go: 

She loves this ORANGE, CHEETA print swimsuit, since that's both her favorite animal AND her favorite color. Posing: 

The water was up so high from the rain that it covered the island. 

One of the kids kept looking back at his mom. He was quite affronted that lessons were continuing in the cold/drizzle. 

Practicing kicks: 

I took fewer pictures of the big kids!

There were just 3 kids in the "big kid" class & Amelie & James were 2/3. They were tossing rings in for the others to find. James sent his out FAR. 

He also won by getting back to the edge first. Maybe this was helped along by how far out he tossed the other ring. You can see the other two are still out looking in the photo: 

The first week while James was at camp, Amelie was the only kid in her class! One night Indigo spent the night & we asked if she could tag along to swim the next morning & the instructor said it would be easier with two kids in the class anyway. 

And here are those certificates - Dolphin, Stingray, & Starfish. 

*Leah was demoted about 1/2 way through from the next level up back down to starfish - which she'd passed last summer. I agreed with their assessment, though - I think she'd regressed some. It's too bad I couldn't get them in lessons earlier in the summer - everything filled up really fast. 

** James passed, too, despite missing Week 1 since he was at Camp Wakonda. 

*** Here's the link to last year!

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