Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Museum of Art and Archaeology

The Museum of Art and Archeology had an open house and I took the big kids. There were all kinds of things to do, but I only got 3 pictures (and James asked me not to post one!)

There was Chinese calligraphy. Amelie wrote "family" and "people" and the woman told us that together it meant "family member." James hung back and watched.

They then did paper cutting. Also not pictured: a scavenger hunt, basket weaving, a whole hall of artifacts including bows and arrows from various locations and time periods, a re-creation of a room from the mid-1800s, a station where I built a clay dwelling that then got mashed down and other clay dwellings were built on top of it, which were then mashed down for a model of a tell, and all kinds of other stuff.

I told the woman throwing pottery that I was impressed by how many she had made in the 2 hours the open house had been going (5 pieces) and she said if she wasn't going slowly and explaining to children that she probably could do 25 in that same time period!

At one of the exhibits, James started to complain loudly that "This IS BORING" which was actually much more embarrassing than the pointing and giggling they'd done in the room of plaster statues of nudes.

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