Sunday, October 7, 2018

6th Birthday Party

James turned 6!

We had a party for him at Bonkers and invited 20 kids (that number includes the three we brought with us :)

James requested Chuck-E-Cheese but I persuaded him otherwise since it's too loud and overstimulating, and then we got to Bonkers and they'd taken out a section of the climbing structure/toddler area and added in some loud and overstimulating rides/arcade games. BUT the point is the kids had fun,  and I really can't overstate how nice is is for them to do all of the cooking and clean-up.

James's favorite food is pizza, and conveniently enough, that's what they serve :)

They won tickets at the arcade games. 

And Amelie figured out some kind of scam where she just got piles and piles of tickets on one of the games. 

They could then exchange their tickets for various cheap plastic prizes. (Though Shauna's bunch made out with magic 8 balls, which I thought was neat.) Here's James picking out his loot at the end. He says  this sword (which lasted a whole 4 days) was one of his favorite gifts that he got for his birthday. His other favorite gift is the remote-control car he bought with the birthday money Grandma Doris sent. 

Here's a slideshow my phone put together of the party:

Here's the link from Amelie's Bonkers party. (for comparison purposes)

In other birthday-related news, Sam's folks wanted to take James out to dinner - anywhere he wanted to go. He chose Subway (I suspect that the attached Baskin Robbins was a big part of the draw, but he didn't want to change his mind even when offered ice cream regardless of where we ate).

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