Tuesday, March 13, 2018

One Year

Leah turned one on Sunday! We had to re-schedule her party because Sam is sick and I hurt my back.

I picked her and James up from daycare this afternoon and took them to the doctor for Leah's one-year well-child check and James's kindergarten shots.

Since my back is not 100% and I had two squirrely kiddos, I didn't exactly manage to get one of Leah at the doctor's office, but this is her today after we got home. She doesn't look too traumatized. Great news: we didn't need to do a lead screening / blood draw! Whew!

She's showing off her two bottom teeth in this picture: 

Here are those vital statistics - 

Length: 2 feet, 4 inches (8th percentile)
Weight: 18.5 pounds (30th percentile)
Head Circumference: 45.5 centimeters (60th percentile) 

After much cajoling, I did get James to take this terrible one at the doctor's office!

Things Leah is doing now:
  • Taking some steps! She can stand on her own and has taken a few steps several times (still not really walking much, though)
  • Enjoys chewing on her banana baby toothbrush
  • Bops and bounces around, like dancing
  • Enjoys taking things out of containers (and sometimes putting them back in)
  • Uses a pincer grasp to pick up small things (peas, blueberries) 
  • Likes all kinds of table foods and feeding herself
  • Drinks water from her sippy cup (I got her a new one for her birthday)
  • Beginning to drop the morning nap
  • Sleeping longer stretches at night - she's slept all night, but doesn't do it every night
  • Imitates my facial expressions - she'll stick her tongue back out at me if I stick mine out at her first
  • Gets so excited when Dada comes home
  • Claps
  • Waves 
  • Climbs up on the end table (ours has a very convenient bottom shelf for climbing) and the couch (the couch thing has only happened once that I know of!)
  • Giggles and laughs
  • Points at things
  • Passes things to someone else when asked (sometimes!)
  • Keeps looking for things after I take them away/hide them

And here's James being goofy: 

James weighed 42 pounds about a month prior to being sick, and he weighed 40 pounds a week ago (a 2 pound loss is a big loss when you only weigh 42 pounds!) but he was back up to 41 pounds at the doctor today. He was true to form and an absolute champ and he got a banana split for dessert (in part because the nurse promised a sucker and then there was no sucker, but he was a good sport about that small disappointment, too.) 

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