Monday, December 14, 2015

Belated Playdate

I shared these photos with Carly's mom (and I guess therefore I thought I had made a blog post about them) anyway, pictures from our playdate at the end of the summer.

The friend is pretty much exactly halfway in age between Amelie and James, and she played with both of them.

Look at that face!

This was the second time they played outside that day -- the first time there was a disagreement over the correct way to build a fort and Amelie had to have some alone time.

When Carly left, she said she didn't have fun because Amelie didn't want to play with her, and I was flabbergasted because they'd played and played and had a grand time. I didn't figure that when Amelie had the time-out that Carly would take it so personally!

James poking around in the dirt.

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