Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Doctor's Visit

Amelie had her 2-year well-child checkup today.

Here are those vital statistics:
Weight ~ 26.6 pounds (51st percentile!)
Height ~ 32 inches (12th percentile)
Head Circumference ~ 48 centimeters (65th percentile)

So it looks like Amelie's picked up again in weight gain, but is still on the shorter end with a giant, genius-sized head.

Here are some things she can do:
* Kicks, bounces, and throws a ball
* Jumps
* Runs (and races)
* Stands on tiptoe
* Builds a tower of blocks
* Does easy puzzles
* Figures out the shape-sorter toy
* Says sentences of 4 words
* Understands "mine" and "yours" (but mostly "mine!")
* Says -ing forms of verbs ("I coming!")
* Says some prepositions
* Knows 1 and 2
* Knows some colors
* Knows some shapes
* Says A,B,C,Q,R,S
* Plays pretend
* Tries to dress and undress herself
* Uses the toilet (with no accidents all week long!)
* Copies Mama & Dada

And, since it's hardly a blog post without a picture, here's one I took in the waiting room. Amelie was fascinated as always with the fish tank. She really liked the "baby fish!" (though I'm pretty sure they were just smaller fish).

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