Sunday, September 22, 2024

Big Trip, Hot Springs State Park

We spent the night in Thermopolis, WY and went to Hot Springs State Park. One of the guests at the (weird! old!) hotel we stayed at said it was like a mini Yellowstone & he was right - lots of cool geographic features (but tiny!) Here  is James on the boardwalk. 

And Sam in front of a cool feature: 

There was an old bridge: 

We all sat in the (somewhat smelly?) natural hotspring at the hotel. 

Sam & the big kids went to the movies in town while Leah & I stayed back & swam in the (outdoor) (cold) hotel pool, but the power went out! It was out at the hotel (which was especially creepy in the hallway) & at the movies, too, so eventually they came home without finishing the show. Here's an example of James making the weird face he tried to make in almost every photo. And you can see the realistic bat puppet. 

Here's James just sitting in the front seat of the van. He didn't actually get to ride in the front seat. Ha! 

And this one was a lookout before we got to Thermopolis: 

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