Monday, May 22, 2023

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

Sam won tickets to see Bright Eyes at Rose on Saturday night, and his folks offered to have all three kids sleep over.

I got to eat lunch with my sister, mom, and grandma. 

Sam brought home these flowers:

The kids gifted me with these lovely cards and pictures. These are from Amelie & Leah (though James drew the flowers on the card last year - Amelie found the card & colored it in & filled it out).


From Amelie:

Leah did this one at school. It says: My mom looks beautiful when she goes to work! And My mom is really good at fixing my hair. And finally, I love my mom more than ... ice cream.

This is from James - apparently it's a reference to the Big Bang theory. I didn't know! But now that I look at it, it does look like Sheldon Cooper.

 And then I had to go to work!

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