Sunday, January 23, 2022


Well, the first week back from break, I got notices from both James and Amelie's schools that they'd been exposed to COVID, from Leah's school that she'd been exposed to lice, and from my work that I'd been scheduled with someone else who tested positive shortly thereafter. It wasn't even a full week! I had a sore throat Saturday & then Sunday, I wasn't able to smell my coffee in the morning, so I went into MU urgent care for a test. The worker told me not to go back to work while waiting on my results. I developed a massive earache after that & had basically convinced myself that it was a bad sinus infection. But I got the positive result Monday afternoon & by Tuesday night the kids all had some symptoms and been warm to the touch off and on. It's Sunday a week later and James and I are still snuffling and flushed. So all in all, worse than a cold but not as bad as strep/flu. 

There has been lots of Nintendo. 

Amelie turning in some assignments: 
School was cancelled Monday for MLK and then 3 additional days due to staffing numbers, so that made it nice not to have to fool with online assignments for several days. 

One of my coworkers gave us a GIANT bag of various craft supplies, which Leah & James have been having a field day with. 

Doesn't James have nice hair? There have been lots of baths - wash away that virus!

I don't know what it is about extra-long paper, but it's appealing. 

I took a bunch of pictures while they (and I) were feeling good. Photos are mostly but not entirely representative. 

Spark came by to investigate. He's pretty well pleased with all of us home all the time again. 

Grandma Mary brought by lots of nice, new books. 

James's teacher has been out with appendicitis (!!) but he's been doing the math app and typing app with lots of free reading and art. Leah's school sent home an iPad and activities.  

James is wearing his baby Yoda Christmas gift t-shirt. Leah's wearing a lot of stripes. 

Not sure if they're irritated with me or the show here. 

Assuming no changes, as long as we're symptom free, we'll go back to work & school on Wednesday.  

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