Saturday, November 6, 2021

Happy Halloween!

It was the first Halloween in the new house!

I was hopeful, since a good percentage of the new neighbors had decorations up, but the old neighborhood really is the best in Columbia especially for trick-or-treating. 

Sam put out an amp on the front porch playing spooky tunes, and we carved pumpkins and did a little bit of decorations. Not sure if you can tell, but Amelie's pumpkin is the same shape as her costume.

James carved his pumpkin as Venom and Leah drew a face shape and then did about 1/2 the carving on hers. We roasted the pumpkin seeds and ate them all up. 

Leah wanted to be Sonic the Hedgehog:

Her pumpkin bucket has a light on the bottom: 

Sonic, Hornet & the Knight (from Hollow Night). They sure were creepy!

James had me duct-tape his sword to his back to free up his hands for holding his pumpkin. 

Their heads got heavy and they took them off partway through. James drew this picture of their characters:

Group photo!

Also as is tradition, our friends Samantha and Jedlow came over to pass out candy and go around the neighborhood with us. Our friends went as a tree and Swamp Thing. Spark was not a fan. 

A bunch of skeletons came to the door, too!

I wanted Sam to take a picture of my costume, and some other people wanted in on the photo, too.

After feasting on candy Halloween night, the kids chose pieces for the 12 days of Halloween & have been having 2 pieces per day picked out of this repurposed yogurt box. Amelie managed not to have enough candy left after trick or treating to make 24 pieces so James shared some of his excess with her.

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