Monday, April 19, 2021

Cannon Dam Cabins

 More things! We got out of the house again!

The Cannon Dam Cabins in Perry, MO, that we went to before are nice for off-season cabin camping. We went before in the fall & this time was in the spring. It even rained all day the Saturday we were there & we all still had a good time. 

Spark got to go with us again: 

I couldn't get them all three to look at me at the same time: 

And those are the only two photos I took the whole time! Ha!

These are from Sam. This is the pond that the cabins are nearby - there were several people fishing & it looked like they were making some kind of improvements to the water - Sam theorized that they're adding more docks. 

He caught this photo of a very very noisy goose & its reflection in the water. 

Here's Leah on the playground equipment, making a face: 

We took advantage of the fire pit for s'mores & Sam grilled hotdogs & hamburgers on the grill. Saturday night, we got an excellent meal take-out from the restaurant nearby. 

Sam got up early to walk the dog & do nature photography: 

Friday and Sunday were gorgeous, but like I said, Saturday it rained most of the day. I told my friend Shauna that we'd be at the cabin in the rain & she insisted on loaning us this game: 

You play it in the dark - the seeker moves the lantern and the other players hide the shadowling creatures from the light. The kids set it up and played with it the day before & I went over the rules, and then we played it the next night - so we got a lot of use out of it! Of course, Amelie and James named all of the creatures and made up stories about them before we even started playing. Amelie was very much into it, but I'm afraid we might have waited too late after supper, since James fell asleep on the floor in the middle of the game. 

We also took & played the bug seeking game that Leah likes, Clue, Battleship, and about a million books. We did an old take-and-make craft from the library, too. 

We did get out to visit the dam Saturday morning when it was just a drizzle: 

There were three huge hawks on top of the observation deck we climbed. Spark was offended at their presence. 

The other big attraction (besides the dam) is the small indoor pool - Sam and James were swimming for about 3.5 hours total on Saturday, & the kids went at least once all 3 days we were there. 

This was Sunday, when things were back sunny again - James at the visitors center (which is still closed due to COVID). 

Here's a link to our last visit there, about a year and a half ago: 

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