Monday, October 26, 2020

First Day of School (In Person)

 After almost 6 weeks of remote learning, the school board decided that the elementary kids could go back to school in person. I'm not sure why they made a big deal about the various levels for remote, hybrid, and in-person, since we're squarely in the middle of "hybrid" but they decided that elementary would go back 4 days per week and that middle school and high school would continue to learn remotely. 

So we had a strange mid-year "first day." 

The pictures aren't great since it's so dark in the morning and they have to be at school so early! I also have no idea why in-person starts at 7:40am and online (where they don't have to drive anywhere or even really get ready) starts at 8am. I was really hoping that a more reasonable start time would be something from the pandemic that would continue. 

The kids picked out their first-day outfits and their first-day masks. James's is Spider Man and Amelie's is a white cat face with a heart nose - she's planning on wearing it for Halloween, too. 

I think they were feeling emotional the night before - we had mini meltdowns about the necessity of a shower before the occasion of the return to school after 7 months (SEVEN MONTHS) and finding the school materials on the list to take back (that they've been using and had used earlier in the day!) 

Sam's driving them, as we were very strongly encouraged not to use the bus if possible. We were also told to only use the drop-off line instead of parking somewhere and walking them in - I'm not 100% on the reasoning there, but they don't have a crossing guard this year either. It's a bit of a mess. Here's the AM line of cars all the way down the street and waiting to turn in. 

And here's the PM pick-up line. It might not make sense unless you're familiar with Ridgeway, but they're stretched all the way around the playground blacktop in a U and then out into the parking lot.

They practiced wearing their masks during TV time in the couple of days leading up to in-person school. James ripped his off right after the 22 minute show and said "That was TERRIBLE!" which filled me with dread about the prospect of them returning and wearing masks basically all day, but I think they've been doing okay with it - I haven't had any bad reports from the kids or their teachers. 

My friend Stacie Pottinger is a photographer who has an exhibit up titled "Awful / Cute" with pictures of kids wearing masks - it's just brilliantly named because it is awful and they are cute. There's Spark in the bottom of the frame, making an appearance. He also did not have to wear a mask, like Leah who's snacking. 

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