Thursday, July 30, 2020

Girl Scout Cookies

I meant to take a picture of Amelie with the gigantic stack of boxes of cookies when they came in, but I forgot.

Here's James - he really wanted to accompany her when she went around making her sales pitches. He's also asked several times to join the boy scouts, and it seems as though the primary motivation is that he wants to sell things.

This is at our next-door neighbor's house.

The end of the cookie-selling season was right at the beginning of the coronavirus shutdowns and it threw a big monkey wrench in everything. We ended up with MANY more boxes of cookies than I'd intended just for our family. We spread them out a box at a time for our increased coronavirus dessert times. Even so, when I gave three boxes of Thanks-a-Lots to the Ridgeway teachers who were retiring at the drive-through retirement celebration, the kids exclaimed in disappointment that we were giving some of the boxes away.

Here's Leah in her tigger costume (all the more festive) with our drive-by happy retirement sign:

And here's Amelie with her completed cookie order form. Over 200 boxes!

She's got more patches, but hasn't seen her troop in person to get them for quite a while!

It looks like I was similarly late last year - here's the post about cookie sales from June:

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