Sunday, July 21, 2019

Girl Scouts

I forgot to post about Amelie selling girl scout cookies. This was our first year selling (and I hadn't even gotten her Brownie uniform, so she walked around in her Daisy bib).

She sold over 80 boxes just walking around our neighborhood. Leah came with us in the stroller. (Her very useful baby coat was a gift from my friend Amanda!)

She ended up with credit for over 150 boxes since the troop did a few booths as well - which is pretty impressive since the period we had to sell was fairly short and the weather was just awful for almost all of it. (These pictures were from the one nice weekend in February.)

Here's Amelie in her Brownie vest. She was not too enthused about taking a photo.

And she got some cool patches for the back, too.

And some pictures from Girl Scout camping. Aunt Holly loaned us her big nice tent, and we practiced putting it up in our yard. It takes 4 people to  hold the poles - James, Amelie and I were trying, but not quite managing. Amelie said, "I'll go get Edward!" ran next door, procured our 6-year-old neighbor, and we got the tent up.

On the morning of the camping trip 1) had to tell her not to pack library books 2) conceded that she could take one of our paperbacks 3) she tried to sneak a Kindle into her bag 4) lost her water bottle within 15 minutes of getting to camp 5) I got a call from the nurse after dropping her off that she’d been stung by a bee

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