Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Swim Lessons 2019

I think this is our eighth straight year doing some kind of swim lessons through the ARC.

Here are links from 2012, 20142015, 20162017.

Leah didn't get to participate, so she found other ways to entertain herself at the side of the pool:

A different day, a different purple outfit, and still not looking too happy about not being able to swim:
I gave her my phone & she took this photo of her own feet:
One day she found this yellow rope. She looks like she's not sure if she's getting away with something or not. 

Alright, last one of Leah (who wasn't even signed up - in my defense, she was closer and easier to photograph). Next year she'll be 3 and able to do the first regular level (without parents in the water).  

Jumping in! I thought James might work on diving, but he didn't want to ask the teacher. 

 Amelie jumping in!

James doesn't have much interest in taking pictures, so I just grab what I can get.

This is a pretty quintessential James look, though.

My goodness, we have a lot of different swimsuits.

Waiting a bit to go into Hickman High School pool.

Amelie didn't much want to take a picture, either!

For some reason, James went through about 4-5 teachers during his class. For several of the days, the kid of one of my friends who has babysat for us before, was his instructor. "Amelie is going to be so jealous," he said. When he told her afterward, she responded that it "was so unfair."

Amelie's teacher was absolutely fantastic - and the same for the whole 2 weeks.

Amelie is good at making friends.

This other girl had the same pink swim shirt.

They both passed their levels! Amelie will move up to the Stingrays.

And James will move up to the Sea Turtles. (Classes are, in order: Parent & Child, Starfish, Clownfish, Bluefish, Sea Turtles, Stingrays, Dolphins, Sharks.)

As a post-script, this happened while swimming, and during the two-week class, but not while we were actually at swim lessons. Amelie was swimming underwater with her eyes closed and ran into the edge/wall of the lazy river at the ARC and got a big goose egg and alarmed the lifeguards and other bystanders (who were telling me to take her to the ER). The bottom right is immediately after it happened (and I texted her Papaw and uncle). It did swell up to about the size of a baseball but went down with lots of ice and ibuprofen. I have a memory of swimming into the side of the pool while swimming underwater with my eyes closed at the Dexter pool, though I'm not sure if I got the fancy black (and blue and purple and yellow and green) eye to go with it.

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