Thursday, August 15, 2019

First Day of School

The big kids had their first day of school this morning! 

We are going to try to ride the bus again this year, but it comes so early in the morning - over an hour before school starts! And their elementary has the earliest start time in the district, I think.

 James is six and starting first grade.

Amelie is nine and starting fourth grade.  Amelie's moved up to Unit C and has a whole new teacher.

This photo is my favorite! Sam taking their picture bright and early this morning.

Isn't this a good picture? They look so much bigger than last year.

Last year for comparison: 

Now I guess we always have to get them to stand on the same side of the big rock. 

They've got a new bus driver, who was surprisingly on time this morning, but an hour late coming home this afternoon. 

Leah and I stayed home and had a quiet, peaceful day - she even took a nap! Here she is eating goldfish crackers (which are supposed to be for the big kids' school snack) out of a bowl with a spoon, as one does.

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