Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Professional Photos

Rhiannon at Lollipop Photography has been taking our professional photos since forever.

We got some made in November to send out with Christmas cards.

I love the pictures of all 3 kids together the best.

Leah looks grumpy (or maybe suspicious) in all of the group pictures!

I feel like Grandpa Bob would approve of the classic car shots.

Amelie kept posing:

Amelie is 8 and a half years old in this picture

Amelie wore this sweater last year.

James is 6 years and 2 months old in this picture:

And Leah is 20 months old:

This was the one we picked for cards:

James happened upon this sled (prop?) all  by himself after the shoot and insisted on an extra picture. He's so photogenic.

Here's a link to the photos we sent out last year, which were from Leah's 6 month pictures:


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! She does a great job every time! They sent me an email asking me to rate them on google and I logged in to do it and saw that I had already written a positive recommendation 2 years ago - do I just updated the number of years we’d been using the company :)
