Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

Yesterday, James asked to do a craft and we made valentines using the same basic principle as this. They specifically wanted to use glitter. I think it had been put away since the Halloween  craft! James's is on the left, Amelie's is in the middle, and mine is on the right.

He also asked to go to church and there was conveniently a Valentine's day dance there last night that Ellie & Benny were already wanting to go to.

I wanted to get a family picture, but my camera died! The kids ran around like wild things, and Amelie slept until 9am this morning to compensate. 

Amelie and James also did Valentines boxes at school and came home with piles of candy. I waited until the last minute and ended up writing Amelie's for her even though the note home said the kids were supposed to do them themselves. (I bought the Valentines on Tuesday & we were out late at Clifford on Wednesday and I forgot that they'd have the party on Thursday because there was no school Friday. Oops. I had her do Ms. Hanney's in the morning before school.) 

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