Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Amelie started her first day of preschool today. Here's a picture of her with Amy & Kathy, the two teachers in the two-year-old room. She's going to La Petite Ecole on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. It's the French immersion school, so all of the staff will speak French to the kids.

She seemed just a little hesitant at drop-off. I'll post an update after I pick her up at noon.

UPDATE: I went about 10 minutes early (apparently a no-no) and watched the kids playing on the playground. I didn't think Amelie saw me at first, but then I guess she did and decided to keep playing. Two of the other girls ran to the fence, though, and one got upset that her mom wasn't there (I guess that's why I'm not supposed to come early!) Amy said she did well. They had a snack and finger-painted. We came home and ate lunch and then Amelie asked to take a nap ... but so far she's still awake in her bed.

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