Saturday, January 4, 2020

Leah Says & James Says

Leah took our google mini off its charger and I asked her to plug it back in. She responded, "I supposed to plug it out!"

Leah throwing shade at Dada: 
Sam: I love you, Leah.
Leah: I like you a whole bunch, Dad.

She's regularly saying 9- and 10-word sentences, and is very polite! 

I'm not sure if I already put this one, but she says "rainbows" for "hair bows" and it's the cutest thing ever. 

Here's a conversation I recorded the other day.
Leah: Toast makes me happy ... What are these?
Me: Just dirty dishes.
Leah: Oh are they dishes?
Me: Yes.
Leah: I don't like dishes ... I like butter.

James, after dealing with Leah for a bit: "This is hard brothering."

James, appearing in our bedroom after bedtime: "You know what I don't like about Christmas?" (Long pause where I fully expected him to list off some petty complaint.) "That we don't have another one for a whole other year." (Then he wanders back off.) He had a similar complaint about The Rise of Skywalker: "You know what I didn't like about the movie? ... That there won't be another one for a long time." 

James got a "Would You Rather" book from Nana Jana and was talking about it. "So many of them depend. Like kiss a jellyfish or step on a porcupine? It depends. I mean, step on a porcupine with a shoe!" He argues with you about all of the ones he thinks don't "depend," though - if you chose the "wrong" answer. 

At dinner: "Cole slaw is like a salad." We agreed, and then James said, "But better." 

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