Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Leah Says (Plus James and Amelie and Video!)

I couldn't tell what Leah wanted. It sounded like she was saying: "I need a sneeze."
"You need a what?" I asked.
"A sneeze!"
Finally I figured out that she wanted a Kleenex so she could pretend to blow her nose.

When she wants a Popsicle, she calls it a "bicycle."

Leah was crying the other day and said, "I'm so sad."

Sometimes, when I pick her up, she'll say, "I so big," or "I so heavy."

Nana Jana bought her some Elsa sheets and said that she'd made the bed. Leah corrected her and said, "No, Dada made it."

I think I posted before about her sometimes saying that she "needs" something and other times saying "I want..." Well, now she's combined the best of both worlds and has been saying "I need want ..."

Leah likes to count things, but she doesn't go in order: "One, two, three, six, five, nine, ten, eight, nine, eleven."

She told our dog Spark, "I love you," the other day, and she told the veterinarian, "I love my doggie."

She's also learned the word 'hate' and now is saying "I hate it" when something doesn't go her way.

Here's a video of her showing me "I got mama leaf." There was also a smaller "baby leaf."

I think I posted before about her love of "Ba Ba Black Sheep," and how she's changed the lyric to the "big girl" who lives down the lane. This is a video from July of her singing in her PJ's outside during one of Amelie's piano lessons (also showcasing a good, old-fashioned "No!")

After her bath she said, “I wanna clean towel. Gonna go see the rain.”

She asked for some cheese and I said that we didn’t have any cheese, as she’d eaten it all last night. She replied, “No. Cheez-ITS.”

James was scratching and said, “They’re just tiggers! I have tiggers!”

Amelie was complaining, “Where are all of our spoons?? We only have three spoons in the drawer!” I explained that someone liked to take spoons outside and leave them there. “Who?” she said, then narrowed her eyes and said (totally unironically) "I have three guesses." (Spoiler: she meant James, Leah, and Spark and wasn't counting herself on that list.)

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