James is writing and writing and writing. Can you see where this one says "Happy Halloween"?
James also loves to draw and draw. They've pretty much quit giving him clean pieces of paper at preschool because he goes through so many every day, and he's using the backs of other things they've printed out.
Amelie is doing addition and subtraction in math with number bonds (and with regular addition/subtraction problems). If you can't see it clearly, 2 of the numbers are filled in and the student has to come up with the other one, either by adding the two bottom numbers together or subtracting one of the bottom numbers from the top one:
Here, they're suppose to draw pictures and write the word underneath of things that start with the same sound as the picture and letters at the top. Under S, she put "snake" and "sun." Under T, she put a tiger going "grr" and my absolute favorite - a tire swing! I thought the Buffaloes would get a kick out of it as well. For St, she has "stairs" and "stamp."