He wanted to read the book. (Look how much he's leaned out!)
Why, hello there.
What is this!?
And those vital statistics (this is the chart I use to calculate the exact percentile):
Weight 22 pounds, 8 ounces (20th percentile)
Length 30 inches (16th percentile)
Head Circumference 19 inches (78th percentile)
What's new since our last doctor's visit?
- Walking
- Climbing
- Throwing (good gracious, this kid has an arm)
- A few new signs ("more," "nurse," shaking his head "no")
- He hasn't added any words since 12 months, but his receptive vocabulary has taken off (following simple commands, like "Bring me the shoes")
- A newfound love of reading (Where is Baby? and Where is Baby's Christmas Present? are his two favorites)
- Scribbling with crayons
- Tantruming when he doesn't get his way
- Using a spoon