Saturday, August 7, 2021

Swim Lessons

The kids got to do swim lessons this year! We skipped last year due to COVID, and I thought we'd better sign up for outdoor lessons this year, still due to COVID. Every other year, I'd opted for the indoor class so we didn't have to worry about sunscreen or the weather. 

It's Leah's first year. She's in a class with 3 other 4-year-old girls and they meet on the steps. She's VERY enthusiastic about lessons, volunteers to go first at everything, and keeps trying to creep her way off the steps and out into the pool. 

James is a little ways down with his class of 6 kids, and he's also doing really well, though he thinks it's unfair that Amelie's class gets to jump off the diving board and his class doesn't. 

I like the look his classmate is giving him here, as he's very goofily showing out for the picture. 

Amelie's class also has just 4 kids in in (which is great), but they're across the pool and I haven't gotten any action photos (you can see them just barely in the background behind James). I can easily see them when they're practicing on deck, though. 

Here's Leah and her teacher, with Amelie's class in the background. She asked me afterward how tall she needed to be before she could swim on her own like Amelie and James. 

An action shot of James: 

And a series of action shots of Amelie, practicing diving again. James thinks it's very unfair that her class (which is up a level) got to do this and his did not. 




They all three passed their levels and can move up one next summer! Whoohoo!

Look, there's Amelie in the background on the other side of the pool.

For half an hour on the last day, they got to play in the pool instead of the organized lessons. Amelie went down the slide many times - James didn't want to wait in line, so he jumped off the diving board a bunch. 

And again: 
Of course, Leah played in the kiddie pool. 

(I feel like it wouldn't look like this during normal years!) 

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