Saturday, February 20, 2021

Snow, III

I brought some snow inside for the kids to play with, as it's freezing and I didn't want to go out: 

James requested a candle for his snow: 

And here's Leah with a (butter) knife!

I put some blue food coloring and water in a spray bottle, but warned them that they couldn't eat the snow if they sprayed it, since the bottle had soap in it at one point. Leah opted to forgo the blue dye and keep sneaking tastes of the plain snow. 

It looks like I got the pictures in reverse order, somehow. 


This is from a different day. Leah's generally content to go out on the back porch without me. 

And yet a different day, watching the snow from inside: 

This is a recent picture - I remember because James was doing school on zoom while Leah got to go outside and he was very grumpy about it. (James is usually done by 10am on Wednesdays, though.) 

Here's Amelie tromping around in the snow at around the same age (and in the same coat, snowsuit, and boots!) 

Spark's spot by the frosted-over window. I took this the day before he busted the window trying to eat the mailman. When it got so super cold, I'd been thinking we should winterize it and am kicking myself because he probably wouldn't have broken it if we'd have covered it up before now - and it won't be a cheap fix. Of course, all the commotion occurred while the kids were on zoom school. (The dog is fine, the window is not.) 

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