Saturday, February 13, 2021

Arts & Crafts & Miscellaneous

We had a similar plan for our sad pandemic super bowl as we did for New Years and just had a little party with snacks amongst ourselves. I made these chocolate puff bars and Sam smoked a bunch of wings with the smoker his folks got him. Then we made popcorn later, too.

Sam's also been doing a lot of work on the basement getting it set up just right for music and tools and work-from-home.

 I read The Paper Bag Princess to Leah and then conveniently her grandparents brought the kids a plethora of Valentines Day gifts in none other than a paper bag, so she had to make her own costume. Unfortunately, I didn't get a clear photo before the bag ripped, but it was fun while it lasted.

The small glass jars I'd been saving from jam and salad dressing were overtaking the cabinet, so Sam thought we ought to make some candles. I ordered 9 pounds of wax and a spool of wicking and 24 wick clips from Michael's.

We did three tester candles to start after Leah had gone to bed (and then when she woke up, she was very interested in them). 

We colored them with broken crayons and used things from the pantry to scent them - the white is fresh rosemary, the pink is star anise, and the red is ground cinnamon with two whole cinnamon sticks. The containers are also all things from the recycling bin - a small tomato sauce jar and two cute square plastic containers from the above-mentioned Valentines presents. However, a friend noted that she'd put coffee beans in a homemade candle and they ended up catching fire! So I might cool it on some of the other stir-ins I'd planned, or at least do some research. These need to finish drying out and then we can test them. 

Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Joe sent Star Wars Lego kits for Christmas that James had asked to do. The kids had two days off of school and Amelie finished one - she had a good time following the directions! It's much nicer having everyone home and off school than it is having everyone home and trying to facilitate zoom school. Leah "helped" and then James started a somewhat more difficult one but didn't finish it.

Here's Amelie and Leah playing with play dough:

And Sam makes an appearance in the background (probably cooking breakfast?)

Leah also loves cardboard boxes

And apparently cardboard oats containers, too (similarly blurry): 

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