Sunday, August 4, 2024

Big Trip! Part 1

We took an epic family roadtrip / tour of several National Parks this summer. 

Vital stats: 

  • 3,102 miles
  • 27.5 mpg in the new van 
  • 8 states 
  • 2 lost teeth
  • 3 nights camping 
  • 7 hotel pools
  • 3.5 audio books
  • 5 National Parks
  • 48 state license plates (everyone but NH and RI!) plus 6 Canadian provinces and 1 Mexican state 
  • $4,016 spent (including $387.28 on gas, $1,752.02 on hotels, $1,179.03 on food)

When we got home, I asked everyone what their favorite part was. 

James: Getting home

Leah: Camping

Amelie: Badlands

Dad: Mount Rushmore 

Mom: Wildlife (& the kids getting along!) 

Sam made (and typed, and bound, and tabbed) an itinerary for us before we left:

We mostly stuck to it!

I was tasked with sorting out the dog for while we were gone, and plans A & B fell through & he wound up with Holly!

Here's the new van all loaded up & ready to go - the tent & some other camping supplies are down below the suitcases. 

The kids in their crocs before setting out on day 1:

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