Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Summer School Outfit of the Day

I wasn't planning on changing jobs at the library (& so didn't realize I wouldn't be home during the day with the kids again this summer!) So Leah's the only kid who went to summer school - and she was the only kid at her bus stop! One week of school the big kids were at Wakonda. The other neighborhood kids went to the neighborhood school & were at a stop closer to our house in a big group. Since the bus was usually late & there was not much to do, I got in the habit of taking her photo every morning. I also tried to make friends with a Spanish-speaking mom who walked by from the other stop. 

This was the first day that started off the trend & the bus was fantastically late (more than 30 minutes!) Leah was not impressed: 


About halfway through, they adjusted the official time of the bus to 8am so I stopped being (as) irritated about its lateness. She was the 2nd to last pickup and school didn’t start til 8:20 - an hour after when we have to be at Jeff during the regular school year. So that part was nice!

She skipped school the day of the dentist appointment- it was right in the middle of the day. 

They had crazy hair day:

And also a pajama day that coincided with show-and-tell. She wanted to bring some of her rock collection. 

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