Thursday, May 23, 2024

Birthday Interview

Teen Birthday Interview

Amelie is 14! Actually a teen!

She had a sleepover party & I took no photos! 4 girls came over & ate Chinese food and stayed up late & jumped on the trampoline & doodled & drew on themselves & played instruments & had ice cream sundaes & opened presents & watched movies & convinced me to sign up for a free trial of Apple TV so they could watch a particular show & did A LOT of talking. It was pretty chill! 

For her birthday meals, she had crepes with a candle in it and suffered through us singing "Happy Birthday" for breakfast. I packed special Bluey fruit snacks for snack and she chose Dairy Queen for dinner. I didn't make a cake and she didn't notice. For our present, we got her a paraffin wax melt (for hands and feet - just exactly like the one my Aunt Juli had in the 90’s!) & are going to redecorate her room when school gets out! 

  1. How old are you? 14
  2. What is your favorite color? Blue
  3. What's your favorite possession?  Cove, a 3D printed dragon
  4. What is your favorite game? Minecraft 
  5. What is your favorite song? “Are you satisfied?” by Marina. Do you have a favorite band? No
  6. Do you  have a favorite animal? Wolves. Is this influenced by the Wolfwalker show? Probably. It's not a show, it's a movie, but Theorem 
  7. What is your favorite book? Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
  8. What is your favorite movie? Wolfwalkers
  9. What is your favorite TV show? I think still Bluey 
  10. What is your favorite thing to eat? Crepes 
  11. Where is your favorite place to go? Just outside
  12. Who is your best friend? Kaitlin 
  13. What is something you learned in the 8th grade?  The Pythagorean Theorem 
  14. What is something you'll learn now that you're 14 (or next year in 8th grade)? Staying organized, hopefully
  15. What is your favorite subject at school? Science
  16. Who is your favorite teacher this year? All of my teachers equally except for Ms. Sanchez
  17. Best memory from middle school? The only thing I can think of is pancake day last year. What was it? In science, we filled out a form on how pancakes work and then we could get two pancakes that the teacher just cooked. They were really good. 
  18. What is something that is hard for you to do?  Stay motivated
  19. What is your favorite thing to do? Clover chains
  20. What is your favorite thing to do with friends? Talk 
  21. What do you like about Me (Mom)? Your desperateness for me to have friends makes it really easy for me to have sleepovers
  22. What do you like about Dad? Car talks
  23. What do you like about James? Shared music interests
  24. What do you like about Leah? She's becoming much less annoying
  25. What do you like about yourself? Being able to improve my confidence a decent amount in the past few months 
  26. What do you want to be when you grow up? I have no idea, but hopefully a writer 
Bonus: What was your favorite part of your birthday party? My and Kaitlin's commentary on Princess Mononoke and how much everyone is being an idiot

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