Saturday, March 9, 2024

Lost tooth

Leah finally lost her first tooth two days before her 7th birthday! 

It was helped along some by her bonking her chin with her knee whist jumping off the swings on the playground. She worried mightily about if for the whole 21 hours it was loose. She was especially concerned that it would come out during swim lessons and be lost in the water (which didn’t happen!)

This is what she looked like every time I tried to get a picture of the loose tooth (very alarmed!)

Waiting for swim lesson (still alarmed!):

It came out during lunch - of soft foods! I kept trying to get her to bite into an apple but she wasn’t having it. 

We had a hard time trying to get a picture of the gap, too! She’s still talking a little funny, but enjoying drinking out of a straw!

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