Saturday, October 14, 2023

Concert with Leah

Yesterday afternoon, an email went out from HR saying the library had 2 tickets to see the Liverpool Legends (the Beatles cover band) saying they’d raffle them off at 4:30 - so on a whim I put my name in the hat and I won! 

In retrospect, this was maybe dumb because James who would have really liked it was on a school trip, and then I'd forgotten Amelie had other plans (which meant she couldn't go & also that she couldn't watch Leah so Sam & I could go), so I took Leah! I did feel the need to tell everyone we knew that we ran into (and there were several folks) that I'd won the (really great seats) tickets so they didn't think I spent $70 so Leah could go to the show! Here's a photo from the advertisements: 

We got there early-ish & parked in a parking garage downtown and walked to the Missouri Theatre. And here are some low-light photos I took:

It was super fun! We did spend some time out in the hallway, where we could still hear just fine & Leah talked me into Reece's Cups from the concession stand. There were costume changes, & bubbles for "Yellow Submarine" & Leah sung along & did the twist. We left a little early!

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