Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Ninja Birthday Party

 James is turning 9 tomorrow! 

He was so disappointed to have yet another birthday during COVID. His first choice for a party was a sleepover, and his second choice was to invite everyone in his class over, and then he finally begrudgingly settled on doing a ninja obstacle course at Authority Gymnastics. Amelie had her 6th birthday party there and James reminded me that he and Amelie had gone to a daycamp there (I don't remember when this was! Pre-COVID so it's been a minute.)

So we last-minute invited his grandparents and cousins and I made (teenage mutant) ninja brownies and rice crispy treats.

The worker there really earned her wage - she was running around with the kids almost the whole time. They used the parachute: 

Sam and Barb got roped in, too: 

I think this was when they were practicing going through the obstacle course before the official timed versions. 

They played some version of tag where the kid who was "it" could use this blue noodle to tag everyone. "That seems easy," said Sam. 

Ben scooted Leah all the way back in this foam circle - Barb said it looked like a Roomba. 

I think everybody - adults included - tried out the balance beam. Look how tall Amelie looks! It's those long legs. 

Listening to the instructions. 

James did the best somersault (not pictured!) and the rest of the kids would just fling themselves down the foam triangle any which way. 

Nana Jana and Grandma Mary and Papaw stopped in for a minute to see the kids running around & drop off presents. James's big present is really for all three kids (& really they paid for it with their own money since their Great Grandma Doris gave them $100!) and it's a Nintendo Switch, which he has been HIGHLY covetous of. I told him that once he's able to be vaccinated against COVID that we'd talk about a sleepover and/or inviting his classmates somewhere. 

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