Sunday, April 19, 2020

Easter 2020

Well, Easter was one of the roughest quarantine days yet, I think due to the kids having a lot of frustrated expectations meeting reality. It was the first time that the big kids didn't get to go out and do a big egg hunt with their cousins at Sam's folks, and then it stormed the night before, so we hid eggs inside for them to find when they woke up, and James was hoping to go immediately outside for an egg hunt. However, I think we made some good memories with throughout the day, but I was glad to get back to the new normal 'school' routine on Monday.

I bought the girls matching dresses, which they got a big kick out of. I got James a suit, too, but he wasn't interested in putting it on just for a picture.

Leah was not cooperative for the pictures, but at least she was having a good time. The kids wanted to stand on the big rock, of course.

Here's Leah showing off the tulips.

I just wore my Easter dress from last year, since we didn't go anywhere.

This is the apple tree I bought on a whim at HyVee (still too small for apples, but it has nice blooms).

At this point, one of our neighbors (they were also outside in their front yard doing Easter-type stuff at home), very gingerly tiptoed over and asked if it would be okay if they took a picture of all 5 of us, which was super nice of them, and here we are: 

Spark was very interested in the goings-on. Sam put the blinds up for him so that he could see us better since he really doesn't like it when we're in the front yard without him.

They did do an egg hunt in the backyard later as well:

Grandma Mary and Papaw dropped off Easter baskets the day before, and Nana Jana also brought over notebooks, bubbles, and more eggs for (us to hide for) the kids.

It looks like Leah lost her pink ribbon.

We hid more in the  house:

I think Sam was giving them hints:

Later in the day it rained again and James and Leah went back out and played with the umbrella. 

We'd told the kids that it was my friend Shauna's birthday and Leah insisted that we paint pictures for her.

We also dyed a dozen eggs, and they lasted the rest of Sunday as pretty Easter eggs and then the kids and I ate the boiled eggs over the next two days. (This was a bold move since we're not going to the store very often!)

Finally, here are James and Amelie playing with their Easter slime. Leah got hers all over her cardigan, a bath towel, and our bath mat, but she had a grand time for those 12 minutes before it had to be thrown away.

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