Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sick Day

There haven't been very many "Amelie" posts recently, pretty much because this is what it's looked like at our house for the past week. Amelie caught yet another virus/cold this winter and has been moping about on the couch (wearing snowman PJs from our friend Karie). At least James is in a good mood.

Anyway, since there aren't any recent cute photos, I thought I could at least post some stories.

The first night she was sick when her temperature was so high I let her sleep in the bed with me with James on the other side in his co-sleeper. James woke up crying around 3am and Amelie said (with her eyes still closed), "Tell James to be quiet. I'm trying to sleep."

She's said a few times, "I'm a little bit sick." This morning her nose was stuffy and she informed me: "I can't smell."

We had quesadillas last night for supper. Today when she wanted to eat a plain tortilla for her snack, she asked for a "quesadilla with no food."

This morning in her bath she was pretending to make a strawberry cake. The ingredients she named off were water, flour, and vanilla -- which is not too far off :) When Sam asked if she wanted to make a strawberry cake later, she said "No," which I thought was odd, then she added, "I want to make it now."

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